Saturday 27 November 2010

The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job

by Gary Namie and Ruth Namie

Review by an Amazon customer

I experienced all of the behaviors described in this book, and I think the reasons given for the behavior are right on the mark. When my e-mail friends suggested the same reasons (before I read this book), I found them so far-fetched (such as perhaps I was making the bullies look bad through my competence-I said to myself, "They are professional people; surely they are self-confident about their own work.")

This book looks at reasons for bullying, and who become targets for bullying behavior (how and why those targets are chosen). It discusses bullying in other European countries, as well as South Africa, and what progress legally has been made against passing laws against bullying in the workplace. These laws are compared with the legal progress/standing of the target in the United States. The book discusses health ramifications on the target, and all possible actions that can and should or should not be taken personally, and in the workplace.

If I had read this book MUCH sooner (such as when the bullying FIRST started), it would have helped me emotionally. I would have realized MUCH sooner what was happening, and known that I wasn't crazy. I could have fought back sooner, and would have known how, and which strategies to use. I also would have kept detailed records of each bullying incident, and I would have gotten witnesses' statements.

Bully in Sight: How to Predict, Resist, Challenge and Combat Workplace Bullying - Overcoming the Silence and Denial by Which Abuse Thrives [Paperback]
Tim Field

Review by an Amazon customer

Bully in sight made me aware what was happening to me and some of the other people I worked with. It made it clear that bullying is not management. I finally took a stand after 2 breakdowns and took my employer to court. The result was 7 managers joined her and ganged up to eliminate me. I managed to get all this recorded and left a massive paper trail. The result was my company paid me to leave when they realised that I could clearly show that they victimised me. (This is why I am anonymous).

Bully in sight tells you what bullying is, it tells you how to prove it, it gives you some ideas on how to play the game and who to ask for for help. It informs you why your colleagues will disappear and why grievance procedures don't work. It gives you an idea why you are suffering from stress and other weird illnesses when you have never been ill before.

The only downside is the law section is a bit out of date but you can buy an employment law book to help you with that.

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